Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pumpkin Cream Cheese!

Must everything in this season be pumpkin-related? Though I wasn't particularly hungry when I pulled into the Dunkin Donuts to get a coffee yesterday morning, the sight of a bagel with pumpkin cream cheese snapped me to attention.  "Better give it a try," I thought, ordering the spread on a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel.  And it was Really Good: nice and creamy like a pumpkin pie pressed between two bagel slices.  I wonder if it would be better or worse given a different bagel type...


  1. Like/want
    And no mention at all of "my wife" in this post. She is my favorite recurring character.

  2. Viewers have found her to be a bit one-dimensional. I'll try to flesh her out a bit in future stories.
