Because I couldn't remember all of my ratings, much less what they mean, I doubt you can either. So here they are in order from best to worst along with a short description of what they mean to me.
Best Thing Ever - When someone asks you, "What's your favorite X?", these are the things that spring to mind with an automaticity typically reserved for telling people your phone number. Whether for good or bad, these are the pieces of culture that define you as a person. Just like heaven.
Amazing - Something you just can't shut up about, you loved it that much. It is a near-perfect piece of culture which is highly recommended. Maybe someday it will become a Best Thing Ever, but for right now, it's the best thing going. Pictures of you.
Really Good - Yes, it really was very special. Sure, there are a few flaws, and one or two things bother you a little about it. But it was very enjoyable and kept you entertained to the very end. You'll give a sequel at try. Friday I'm in love.
Good - You like this a lot. You know it wasn't amazing or anything, but something about it made you feel all tingly inside. The more you think about it, the more you think of ways it could have been better. Still, better this than a lot of other things. Fascination street.
OK - Half of the time you were creating the memory of this, you were wishing it could be more. Flawed, but not enough to stop you in your tracks. Check it out if it sounds interesting, but borrow/rent. You won't remember it for too long. Never enough.
Meh - This was not particularly good. It wasn't completely terrible. You really could care less about it. It certainly didn't care about you. Staring at the sea.
Bad - You could probably write/direct/draw/create something a lot better. You counted over ten ways you might have created something more passable than what was just presented to you. Perhaps the creator knew a guy? Talent probably had little to do with its gestation. Never enough
Awful - This was Bad squared. Nothing worked; you were robbed. Give it a quick punch in the face and move on. Chop off its head and leave it as a sign to warn off future travelers before you go. Though something of it will always remain...this sucked so much you can look back for a quick laugh before bed. Lullaby.
I Hate It So Very Much - I'm sorry; this travesty will remain with you forever. Much like your favorite things, this experience will define you for the rest of your life. You will judge your future interests based on how unlike this vile creation it is. Boys don't cry.